Thursday, August 18, 2011


  When does this not happen, when you say to yourself I want this and wherever I go and whatever I have to spend I will get it and then you are searching and you either find something similar but not quite right or when you do find it you realize it isn't a need it's a want and how do you justify that.
   I have set out in search of new peices to redo and everywhere I looked something wasn't just quite right. Jusr one more thing to teach me the patience of not having things Now. That's a hard lesson in life and an even harder one to teach children. Having one child with Aspberger's  and a huge rule follower really has kept me in check , but having another who is only 6 and could care a less if we don't need something and it is just a want is quite a challenge.
     I feel our society is in the state it  is for this very reason, we all became to glutonous and things where way too accessible. So now we all have to step back and really look at if it's a want or a need.
    Yes wants are nice and feed that hunger now but then what your left; still with a hole that isn't filled and still searching. When we find things that are a need and they are fulfilled we feel a sense of peace. That need was met and it was met for a reason and from our creator.
     So next time you think you have a need really examine it and make sure it isn't just a want.

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